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Hier findest du alle Videos und Meditationen, die im Buch erwähnt werden.
Ice Bath Preparation Meditation
Eis Bad MeditationArtist Name
00:00 / 01:04
Warm-Up Exercise Video
The Superhuman World of Wim Hof: The Iceman
Influencing the Immune System | Wim Hof Method Science
Hubermann: Using Deliberate Cold Exposure for
Health and Performance
Rheumatoid Arthritis Wim Hof Method Testimonial
Blacksmith can work again, after lowering his inflammation and pain through cold Exposure and Breathwork
Mind over Body
Trauma Survivor shares experience with Wim Hof

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Erlebe eine transformative Reise, die dich in deinem Kern berühren und dein Leben nachhaltig verändern kann.
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