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Wim Hof Weekend Retreats in the Alps

Become Happy, Strong & Healthy
with the Wim Hof Method


Wim Hof Seminar in Germany, the Alps and Poland

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When you do breathing exercises, do you feel like you're not using your full lungs? In this video course you will learn to breathe really deeply.


Learn all the basics of the Wim Hof ​​Method over a weekend in the most beautiful nature in Germany.


Organize your Wim Hof ​​event!

Invite me to your event! Team building & workshops for families and groups of friends are possible.


ARD - Most renowned german TV Station

"Without the group, I probably wouldn't have made it. But it feels so good. (...) It made me feel strong and healthy. And yes, I was very, very happy for the rest of the day."
Katharina Pfadenhauer, an ARD journalist, joined a retreat led by Michael Nuss

Neue Zürcher Zeitung -most influential newspapers in Switzerland

"As I climb out of the icy stream in a forest in the Allgäu (Bavarian ALps) after two minutes, I may look like a drenched poodle, but inside I feel like a radioactive swan: radiant, invincible. And an entirely new feeling for me: in harmony with the world. Life is good."
Henriette Kuhrt NZZ Journalist
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Magazine "Natur und Heilen" - the most popular german Magazine around holistic lifestyle

"Hardly anyone embodies the Wim Hof Method as much as Michael Nuss." 
Christoph Trick, Journalist Natur und Heilen
Online Program

Eisbaden - Das Buch

Nach diesem Buch wird es schwer sein, dich vom Eisbaden abzuhalten!

Inhaltliche Highlights dieses Buches:

  • Praktische Tipps rund ums Eisbaden

  • Ein tiefes Verständnis der körperlichen, geistigen und emotionalen Auswirkungen des Eisbadens

  • Inspirierende Geschichten aus Hunderten von Retreats, geleitet von Michael Nuss

  • Atemberaubende Natur- und Eisbadebilder, die dir das Gefühl geben, mitten im Geschehen dabei zu sein

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What is the Wim Hof ​​Method?

The Wim Hof ​​Method is simple, effective, and scientifically sound. It activates the natural health powers in the body and mind. ​


The result: We are healthy, strong, and happy. ​


The Wim Hof ​​Method consists of three parts:​ ​

  • Focus / Commitment

  • breathing techniques

  • cold training ​​


The results: ​ A stronger connection to inner nature A stronger immune system Better mood Better sleep More energy More inner peace and stress resistance

Hear more information about the Wim Hof ​​Method in the podcast with Michael Nuß

Podcast Wim Hof Methode Michael Nuss Allgäu Kurse Retreats - 20.01.22, 14.15
Über Michael Nuss | Zertifizierter Wim-Hof-Lehrer | Deutschland
About Michael Nuss
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In 2016 I came across the Wim Hof ​​Method during a life crisis.

Since then I've been training them enthusiastically and was lucky enough to be one of the few Wim Hof ​​instructors to be trained directly by Wim Hof.

I also learned mindfulness meditation in a Buddhist monastery, practice daily meditation and conscious movement and also incorporate these practices into my seminars.

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